2 Years of Healing and Going Strong!

August 2, 2024

Happy Friday Everyone!

It’s hard to believe it has been a year since my last blog post. Gosh, where do I begin?

Let me update you on where my children are. Leni is in Houston, Texas, finishing up an internship and about to start her final semester of graduate school. George moved to California at the beginning of this year to start culinary school and to fulfill his dream of becoming a chef and eventually becoming a permanent part of Sullivan’s Metropolitan Grill. Pete is about to start his junior year at TL Hanna and is knee deep in preparing for the upcoming football season. He also caught the golf bug this summer, so we have had a lot of father and son time on the golf course. I just couldn’t be more PROUD of these 3. They are working hard and pursuing their dreams! My sisters, Staci and Phyllis, and myself helped move my mother to Charleston from Columbia so she can be closer to them in this season of life.

As for me, I couldn’t be more blessed. We have also had some fun time traveling. Myself, Leni, and Pete (George couldn’t come because he had school during that time) took a cross-country trip from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Sedona, Phoenix, and Scottsdale. We had a BLAST. We also took a trip over the week of July 4th out to California to visit George and spend some great time in San Francisco and the wine country. It makes this dad super GRATEFUL for my 3 children and how they’re thriving.
I am actually writing this blog in Houston, Texas, seeing old friends, and I’m back at The Orchard on the Brazos. I was blessed to be of service to the treatment center and pour into the current residents as well as help lead a group or two. I couldn’t be more thankful for my friends Dan and Brandy, Jane, and the whole crew at The Orchard. This place is so special to me, and I made a commitment when I got sober that I would come back every year and pick up my Chip. Soooo, yesterday, I did just that!!! I picked up my 2 year chip and got to celebrate another full year of continuous sobriety! 🙌😁 God is SO faithful!

What God has taught me this past year:

The two most important lessons are gratitude and acceptance. First, I’m SO grateful for the journey I’m on. Grateful for my relationship with my children, grateful for my girlfriend, Casey. Grateful for my business, grateful for the incredible team at Sullivan’s Metropolitan Grill. Grateful for ALL my friends and the relationships that continue to grow stronger year after year.

Second, I have learned that sometimes in life, we have to accept that we are where we are. I still miss my sweet Sabra dearly, and there aren't many days that go by that I don’t think about her and the beautiful life we had. But I’ve also accepted that I have to move forward. There is nothing more that she would want for me than to live this beautiful life that our good and beautiful God has called us to. It’s also been a challenging year in business, but we are so blessed and are continuing to push forward. Acceptance that I’m not where I want to be but also grateful for where I am. God is teaching me so much about discipline and obedience in my life. Just like all of us do at times, this summer I’ve really gotten out of my routine of diet, exercise, & quiet time with God. I am SO thankful for HIS grace and mercy and allowing me to reset over these past few days as we begin the school year. So if you are reading this and you’ve gotten out of your daily habits, it’s never too late to restart again!
I continue to have this love affair with golf, which is hands-down the most difficult game on the planet. What I think I love most about the game is that it is so much like life. We have good days and bad days, just like we have good holes and bad holes, but it’s how you respond to the bad days and bad holes that really develops your character.

A faith based book that I read years ago, “Ordering Your Private World” by Gordon MacDonald, is something that I remind myself of often. The saddest thing someone who hasn’t seen you in a year or two can say is “you haven’t changed a bit.” To me, the whole point of life is continuing to grow and change and be a little less like myself and a little more like Jesus. Will I ever get there on this side of eternity? NO, but I’ll continue to try. Pastor Rick Warren said it best: “Life is a preparation for eternity.” Keep fighting. 💪 In all of my blog posts, I like to share a song that has deeply impacted me in recent months. This particular song has been a staple for several years now—I’ve probably listened to it over a thousand times. It’s from The Gathering, an event held in Tennessee featuring Bethel Music and Josh Baldwin, and a sermon delivered by my Greek friend Christine Caine. I hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed me. ❤️

In closing, if you or anyone you know is struggling with the disease of addiction, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can always DM me.

If there is anything that these last two years have taught me, it is that life is SO precious! YOU are worth seeking help.

Remember, always follow your dreams and never give up on your goals. I know I won’t!

Thank you for always supporting me. I can’t wait to see where year 3 takes us!
Never Give Up,
Bill ❤️

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